Join Interfaith-RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Services and Empowerment), a U.S. State Department designated official resettlement agency, for our third annual walk-a-thon to raise money in support of refugee resettlement.
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Donna M. Kaiser commented with a $35 donation:
about 7 years agoKumar Vadaparty commented with a $100 donation:
about 7 years agoMaya Wahrman commented with a $30 donation:
over 7 years agoLouise Sandburg commented with a support:
over 7 years agoFundraisers
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April Humes
Nadira Husain
Jacquelyn Juricic
Joanne Dunbar
Judy And Steven Richman
Edward Wood
Michael Golden
Bruce Ratner
Elissa Rodkey