Project Ice Woman

Project Ice Woman

From Project Ice Woman

31 days, 31 polar plunges, 31 years of LIVING! I am fundraising for three organizations; American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Protect Our Winters (POW), and charity: water. With love & light, Kristina Camaj

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Anonymous commented with a $45 donation:
6 months ago
You’re a rockstar !!!
Maria Kalaj commented with a $200 donation:
6 months ago
So proud of you!
Christine & Mark Tomlinson commented with a $75 donation:
6 months ago
Please distribute our donation equally between your 3 charities. We love you XOXO
Kara Askwig commented with a $100 donation:
6 months ago
Get it, girl!
Valentino Camaj commented with a $50 donation:
7 months ago
We’re so proud of you Kristina- Valentino and Jaime
Tom & Mel Ashmore commented with a $25 donation:
7 months ago
Love your spirit and heart, Kristina! Thank you for raising awareness.
Josephine Gjokaj commented with a $8 donation:
7 months ago
I'm so proud of you