Freedom From Hunger

Freedom From Hunger

From Ram Kalpat

No human should go hungry. We are fortunate in so many ways, lets share our fortune. Please donate and we will buy the food and take it to North Texas Food Bank for you.

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almost 10 years ago

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Murthy Patamalla commented with a $35 donation:
almost 10 years ago
Congratulations on a great cause and sankalpam. Sorry we couldn't be there in person
Suresh Manduva commented with a $25 donation:
almost 10 years ago
All the best Ram!
V Sridharan commented with a $100 donation:
almost 10 years ago
Best wishes from Sri & Hema
GOPINATH SHANMUGAM commented with a $25 donation:
almost 10 years ago
I can't make it to the event, all the very best
Ashwin Kowtha commented with a $25 donation:
almost 10 years ago
All the best!.
Kishore Dandu commented with a $50 donation:
almost 10 years ago
May not make it in person.
Prabhu Shankar commented with a $50 donation:
almost 10 years ago
Had to miss the event.. Least I could do
Ram Kalpat commented:
almost 10 years ago
Thank you Venkatesh Subramaniam for your generous contribution for this great cause
Venkatesh Subramanyam commented with a $100 donation:
almost 10 years ago
Ram, Please accept our donation for the your good cause; Apologies could not make it to the event on account of other priorities; Venky