Help Set Me Free

Help Set Me Free

From Kerry Lewis

Amidst the whirlwind of personal and family responsibilities, compounded by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, I crave a break. Funds will aid travel and bills.

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Imagine feeling like you're trapped in a never-ending loop, constantly juggling personal responsibilities and grappling with the shadow of COVID-19's toll on our lives. Even as the world began to regain some semblance of normalcy, that sense of being stuck persisted. Now, I'm reaching out for your support to break free from this cycle.

To me travel means freedom, a chance to take a break from routine, and experience the world's beauty. Your contribution will not only make these adventures possible but also alleviate the weight of pressing bills, granting me precious moments of stress-free existence. 

I'm committed to paying it forward. With your help, I would to give a similar lifeline to someone else in need of a break, 

Your support will help me rejuvenate, refocus, and return to my responsibilities with renewed. Help me break the cycle and create a ripple effect of positivity, ensuring that the gift of freedom touches not just my life but many. Thank you for considering this request.

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