Visit trang chủ Ku11 Today, Answer vay phu dia Immediately

Visit trang chủ Ku11 Today, Answer vay phu dia Immediately

From M Ehtisham

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In cockfighting, cockfighters will gradually become familiar with concepts related to cockfighting, including vay phu dia. Hearing the name, you will find this a rather strange phrase, but if you want to fight cocks, you should immediately learn this concept. Let’s join trang chủ Ku11 to find out all information this.

Concept of vay phu dia

Vay phu dia

Vay phu dia is a phenomenon in which fighting chickens have one or more large scales on their legs. This type of scale appears quite rarely, so fighting chickens that possess covered scales are considered precious chickens. This type of scale can be seen on the back of the chicken's foot, and is usually located in the middle of the chicken's spur and toes.

Meaning of scales covering earth

Folklore says that a scaly chicken will bring good things to the homeowner. If any of you who fight cockfights often see that your cock has these scales, you will usually feel reassured because they will not cause you any trouble. Not only is it meaningful in folk culture, even in cockfighting, the scales are also a tool to help fighting cocks compete effectively.

Vay phu dia good or bad and how much to buy?

Normally, when chickens with these precious scales are discovered, they will be trained early so they are good at fighting skills. And that's why the price of these chickens is also higher than the market.

If the chicken only has 1 or 2 scales on its legs, the price will not be much higher, but if you find a chicken with up to 3 scales covering the legs, you will definitely have to spend a large amount of money to be able to buy it. There may be a difference of 1 million or even 2 million compared to the normal purchase price. In the special case where a fighting chicken has 5 adjacent scales, the purchase price is up to 5 million VND, much higher than the price of a normal fighting chicken.

Classification of ground scales in fighting cocks

Kinds of vay phu diaYou may see 1 or 2 scales appearing on fighting cocks, but if they appear many times in a row, it is very rare. To help you better understand the types of ground scales, let's find out right now on trang chủ Ku11.

The scale type is usually when the fighting cock has 1 or 2 scales and in this case the purchase price is not too high. Furthermore, because there are few scales, it is difficult to judge whether the chicken can compete well or not; Therefore, when buying chickens, you must observe carefully to see if the chickens move quickly and strike accurately.

If you often visit trang chủ Ku11 and play cockfighting, you will see that fighting cocks with three-talented scales are rare and are usually good fighting chickens with good fighting skills. Whether these chickens have been trained or not, having 3 adjacent scales is a huge advantage, helping fighting chickens be able to launch effective blows to defeat the opponent. And of course the purchase price of this type of chicken will be higher than regular chicken.

The type of chicken with scales covering the four precious areas is the fighting chicken that you see has 4 vay phu dia. Usually it is difficult to find and buy this type of chicken because they are very rare, so only a few fighting chickens possess four-quarter scales. These birds are highly appreciated by buyers and are definitely fighting birds worth the investment.

Fighting chickens

This is the most precious type of fighting chicken, because it has up to 5 consecutive scales, so it was highly appreciated from the beginning. These chickens have their own uniqueness, outstanding strength and good skills. Almost every cocker wishes to have a chicken with 5 consecutive scales because the chances of winning are very great when they compete. However, rare items are hard to find, and it is not unusual for the amount to vary by several million 

So you can clearly see that chickens that are borrowed from the breeder really need to be paid attention to, and especially with chickens that have 3, 4 or 5 scales, buying them is really worth the money. These cocks with vay phu dia compete well, have good skills, fight strongly and each attack is highly effective. If you want to participate in good cockfighting and learn more about cockfighting tips, please go to trang chủ Ku11 to register as a member to experience it today. Sign up for news updates on the website to read many good articles every day!

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