Victorian Seance Theater at the Steampunk World's Fair

Victorian Seance Theater at the Steampunk World's Fair

From Christopher Thisse

Help Christopher Thisse, in association with Jeff Mach Events and The Nightshade Society present Victorian Seance Theater at the Steampunk World's Fair 2016!

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Update #2

almost 9 years ago


We've reached the goal. The Seance will be performed at Steampunk World's Fair on Saturday at Midnight (After the concert), in Boardroom C.

I will contact folks individually to get any required information.

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Christopher Thisse posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #2


We've reached the goal. The Seance will be performed at Steampunk World's Fair on Saturday at Midnight (After the concert), in Boardroom C.

I will contact folks individually to get any required information.

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Christopher Thisse posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #1

Have you ever wanted to reach out to the other side? Talk to the spirit world? Experience your own ghost story first hand? At this event, you can!

Christopher Thisse, Witch Doctor, presents Victorian Seance theater! In this program we will explore the history of seance - the Fox Sisters, Spiritualism, ghost stories, our fascination with the other side, and the spread of the performance seance.

We will examine historic artifacts and haunted objects and their role in the seance.

We will test the psychic abilities of the attendees and find out who's psychic!

We'll take those abilities and test them further with Victorian Seance parlor games. Didn't know that was a thing? It is! You'll learn about card guessing, table tipping and knocking, talking boards, pendulums, and more!

From here we turn even deeper into spirit realm. Select attendees will be guided through an experience of mediumship where they may see another part of the world clairvoyantly, travel back in time, or touch the other side personally!

We wrap up the evening in the only way possible - a dark seance as would be performed in the parlors of the past.

This evening does not aim to offer answers to the questions of whether ghosts and spirits exists. In fact, it will likely leave you with more questions than you came in with. And it will never be forgotten.

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