Urgent Need Help a Parkinson's Patient

Urgent Need Help a Parkinson's Patient

From Catherine W

I am raising funds to help a relative purchase a replacement for a Parkinson's spoon/fork, also called a gyro spoon or fork. His broke and we have been unable to afford a new one.

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Update #1

3 months ago

I know I have not connected my Facebook, since I'm trying to do this without any added family upset I decided not to connect it. Some of our family is difficult when it comes to asking for help. If you would like to view my facebook, I would happily provide it to you, I've been on there since 2008 and it's pretty much just family in my friends list. I am happy to provide any information.

More Info

I'm reaching out to ask for your support in helping a relative. Due to Parkinson's, he relies on a gyro spoon to reduce the impact of shaking while eating. Unfortunately, his current spoon broke, and replacement parts are not available. His inability to afford a new one has left him without this vital aid for several months.

I've been trying to repair the spoon, but it's been a challenge and beyond my capabilities. I contacted the manufacturer but it is out of warranty and to repair it is more than purchasing a new one. I'm determined to make sure he gets the help he needs.

A new gyro spoon costs around $300 on Amazon, and I am currently watching one on eBay for $70.00 used in working condition. I would purchase it myself if I could, but I simply can't afford it at the moment. I am hoping to purchase this before it ends so that I do not have to fundraise for a brand new one. Going the eBay route is more affordable but runs the risk of not getting it before someone else. This is the item: https://www.ebay.com/itm/386818625625?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=td4cm3yfs3w&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=nNyVOHBSSDG&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

I'm asking for your generosity to make a meaningful difference. Your contributions, whether big or small, will directly go towards purchasing a gyro spoon for him and easing his daily life. Every donation and share will bring us one step closer to reaching our goal and bringing comfort and assistance to my uncle.

Please consider donating and sharing this fundraiser with your network. Your support will mean the world to us. I have not used his name specifically because he wouldn't want to ask for help and he genuinely needs this ASAP. The item on Amazon, they no longer carry the version shown at eBay or his original version, purchase https://a.co/d/4b5CctZ but I intend to purchase on eBay as long as it's still available. 

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Catherine W posted a new update:
3 months ago

Update #1

I know I have not connected my Facebook, since I'm trying to do this without any added family upset I decided not to connect it. Some of our family is difficult when it comes to asking for help. If you would like to view my facebook, I would happily provide it to you, I've been on there since 2008 and it's pretty much just family in my friends list. I am happy to provide any information.

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