VOY SoCal Empowerment Trip For 2 Day Conference!

VOY SoCal Empowerment Trip For 2 Day Conference!

From Berry Accius

#TeamVoy will be taking mentees to Southern CA to experience Dr. Umar Johnson lecture and attend the Black Student Union Conference. Our goal is to raise $1,750. Please help with any contributions towards this trip.

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Help Berry of VOY to take a group of youth Southern California for a 2 day conference. On Friday, November 20, 2015, the youth will visit Shades of Afrika in Long Beach to listen to Dr. Umar Johnson lecture and on Saturday, November 21, 2015, the youth will visit UC San Diego to attend the Black Student Union Conference in San Diego. Our goal is to raise $1,750 by November 20, 2015 to help pay for transportation, hotel and conference.

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