Todd Ciccarelli Man in the Middle of the Wilderness

Todd Ciccarelli Man in the Middle of the Wilderness

From Nikki Ciccarelli

My love, and our families self-sacrificial rock, Todd has been our shelter for 20 plus years, and we’re not ready to see that shelter torn down by illness!

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #8

Hello All,
This Friday marks the 4 week date of Todds surgery, and he is doing well! They will schedule an MRI to see how the fusion took and we have an exam scheduled for mid-August. At this time we will look at scheduling the back surgery. Everyone is still tired and we hope to return to a level of normalcy at some point, thank you for keeping us in prayer, we need it! Currently we are unsure as to whether the surgeon will ok the back surgery required, he stated previously that it would be too much of a strain on Todd's heart. They are looking at options to alleviate pain as well as the severe stenosis that encroaches upon the nerve. Much love to all of our supporters and donors!

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #7

Hello to all! Todd is 2 weeks out of the neck fusion, and experiencing and experiencing a great deal less pain, amen! The healing is day to day with good and bad bu tot be expected. Please pray that he stays encouraged during the healing process. He will be cleared to drive soon we hope but will have his neck brace in play for certain hours over the next 3 months. His next appointment will deal with a date for the lumbar surgery, in the meantime he is still receiving his monthly chemo shot. Some days are more wearying than I can explain but we have to keep forging forward. Thank you for your love, continued prayers and support of our family!

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #6

Hello Dear Friends,
Todd was released late Sunday after a successful surgery! Hallelujah! The fusion went perfectly as we were told and now onto a positive recovery, this is our hope! We are tackling proper pain management and limited movement but know that time will improve all! Our 2nd follow up will be in the early fall where we schedule the back fusion,.Once that is complete we will begin to deal with the proposed surgery to remove the original tumor where the endocrine cancer originated. Thank you for all of the support and prayers, we could not do it in our own strength, God has given us an amazing network of people!! Keep it real, love to the limits and know God is bigger than our mountains in this life, I pray Todd comes away with a testimony that encourages, and challenges others to take the next step in what can be a weary walk. The day has only begun to shine brighter, keep the faith!!

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #5

Hello everyone,
We are with few words today, we hope to say that we couldn't have come so far without each one of you, we value and love our extended family more than you know. We are heading into surgery this afternoon, and ask that you lift up the team, and Todd! May Abba richly bless your lives from the smallest to the greatest detail, and may Yeshua the messiah be glorified! As the campaign ends Tracy Ciccarelli-Dearing will continue updates on her FB page, please keep in touch and know we thank you all with a deep and humble gratitude.
Love Todd, Nikki, Vito, and Gracie

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #4

To our donors and supporters,
Todd"s first surgery has been rescheduled for early in July. The delay is due to an increased potassium level. Potassium is vital to the physiology of the heart and has to be in proper balance in order to not affect the heart adversely. Please be in prayer with us that the numbers return to normal, and that Todd remains stable until the surgery.
Much love
The Ciccarellis

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #3

To all of our wonderful supporters! Thank you, thank you for networking on Todds behalf! Vito was able to get leave from the fire station, and come home to surprise his dad, amen! Needless to say with Vito and Gracie present it provides him a great level of peace as well as an opportunity to tease his kids! Laughter is good for the soul right? You never think that your family may end up in what feels like a maze of challenges , but here we reside. One day at a time trusting Gods direction, and leaning on his truth. I think often the mistake people make, is thinking that they have time. I encourage you to embrace each day, and look to those little things that warrant gratitude. Love and humility are majestic traits, know that each one of you has great worth and may you use your influence to inspire others! We love and appreciate you all, may God bless you, and keep you...
Todds surgery is in 5 days, please keep him in prayer as well as the team who will perform the neck fusion, please pray that his heart remains strong! You can't keep a good man down,!

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #2

You all are Amazing! You know, truthfully, today was one of the toughest I've had since December. I've had peace, and strength that only my faith can support and it has been unwavering. They say you can't keep a good girl down but I felt defeated today. Tired, worn out, sad and falling down. I suppose I'm to take it with a grain of salt, and remember Christ is my strength. You are all a gentle reminder of what grace, and love look like. That's enough to get me moving again, watch out! Todd has been cleared for surgery which will take place at the end of this month, I will keep you updated :-)
Thank you !

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Nikki Ciccarelli posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #1

Hello to everyone!
We truly do not have the words, thank you, each and every one for loving our family without reservation! Your generosity relieves more stress than I can express as we near this first surgery, as well as helping navigate several of the expenses we are encountering. Todd is starting the process again of all pre-op appointments in preparation for his surgery at the end of June. We take the second plunge, again. With a leap of faith, we are trusting in God for a victorious outcome! Love to all!

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Jesse Pardee commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
Feel better soon, Todd! Love, Jesse <3
Amy Holzer commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
Anonymous commented with a $200 donation:
over 6 years ago
love you all and keeping you in my prayers
Sandy Courtney commented with a $35 donation:
over 6 years ago
Praying for healing, strength, and provision during this difficult time.
JANSON INSURANCE AGENCY commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
Praying for complete and swift restoration. I know your work for HIM has only begun.
John & Carrie Gavin commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
Love you all so much!!!
James Dillon commented with a $200 donation:
over 6 years ago
A great and kind man
Laurie Flynn commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
lot's of love and prayers!
Franco Ruscitti commented with a $250 donation:
over 6 years ago
In my prayers!!
Larry And Joyce Larsen commented with a $2,000 donation:
over 6 years ago
Thinking of you and praying for all of you. Blessings, love and hugs. We love you!
Randy Lash commented with a $20 donation:
over 6 years ago
Walk in Peace
Maya Gonzales commented with a $350 donation:
over 6 years ago
You all are in my prayers. May the Lord give you strength.
Kathy Darby commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
Todd, ALL my love too YOU! You were always SO good to me with no expectations, You are a true gentleman. Love you my gentle giant!
Ted Arroyo commented with a $50 donation:
over 6 years ago
I love each of you so much and am eagerly praying for our Lord’s intercession. You are not alone in the fight!
Gary Fujinami commented with a $1,000 donation:
over 6 years ago
Todd is family to me.. I'm very sad for his fight.
VIckie Barzano commented with a $50 donation:
over 6 years ago
praying for a full recovery.
Jason Triplett commented with a $200 donation:
over 6 years ago
Praying for you and your family
Schweitzer Family commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
Prayers and love ?? your way!
Billie Jo Eickhoff commented with a $500 donation:
over 6 years ago
Love and prayers to you, my brother.