We are embarking on a heartfelt mission to gather funds that will uplift and support Mitchel during his crucial journey toward a liver transplant.
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Mitchel was born with underdeveloped bile ducts (biliary atresia). He had a procedure done at 3 weeks old called a Kasai to prolong his need for a transplant. While It was effective he has been hospitalized four times for cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) throughout his life. In his most recent hospitalization, this last month, the doctors determined that the bile ducts are not working effectively enough and therefore he needs to be place on the transplant list.
Now, Mitch is on the waiting list for the liver that will give him the chance to lead a healthier life. While it’s unclear how long he’ll be waiting for a liver (between weeks and months) his doctors are doing their best to manage his pain and symptoms during this time.
While he is at home awaiting a transplant, he is struggling to complete basic living activities like take care of himself. This is mainly due to lack of energy and pain.
Unfortunately, Mitch can’t work right now, which has hit him hard since photography is his passion. Mitchel has always been a really hard worker and has been chasing his dream to continue his photography business. Losing that source of income has been tough for him.
Once a liver becomes available, Mitch will need to stay near the clinic for six weeks. He currently lives about 2.5 hours away. This means he’ll have to find a fully furnished rental within an hour of the clinic for that duration, and the costs are definitely adding up.
Any assistance you can provide would mean the world to Mitchel and everyone who supports him. We all cherish this vibrant and joyful person and are holding onto hope that he receives his new liver soon so he can get back to enjoying life without pain.
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