street black party

street black party

8/31/2019, 10:00AM
170 prospect street and prospect ave, Bronx NY 10459

From Crescencio Bulnes

our event benefit multicultural is regroup every racial organizations with out descimination or religion by financing fun day as street black party outside Shany office

Crescencio Bulnes



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Event Details


170 prospect street and prospect ave, Bronx NY 10459

Date & Time

Saturday, August 31 2019

10:00 AM

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Crescencio Bulnes posted a new update:
over 5 years ago

Update #1

registracion para los cursos de plomeria,electricidad,locksmith,paneles solares,refrigeracion,lectura de plano de electricida,carpinteria y curso de boiler, para registracion don julion 646-662-7886

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