Send Kristen to WWH2H in Honduras

Send Kristen to WWH2H in Honduras

From Kristen Walker

I am raising money to send me back to Honduras! In June, I'll be spending 8 days in Puerto Cortes at the Worldwide Heart to Heart school and children's village. Donations will go towards the trip and the children's ne...

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This past November God gave me an amazing opportunity to go to Honduras with a team and spend 8 wonderful days with some of the most beautiful children I have ever met. 

We traveled to the Worldwide Heart to Hearts Children village and spent a week with the children in their home and with them at school, just loving on them, getting to know them, and taking care of some of their most immediate needs. We provided food for their home, replaced a washing machine, bought the girls home a television, bought spoons and forks and plate for the boys home, and made many repairs throughout. We had enough money raised from the trip to buy groceries for 4 different families throughout Porte Cortes and it was one on the most humbling experiences I've ever had, meeting them, praying with them and simply getting to be a part of giving them such a simple need that they were in desperate need of. 

My heart was broken in more ways than one, and then mended back together again every single time I got a hug from a kid or a smile and an "I love you miss Kristiana"! 

I wanted to go back before I ever left and I know that God has great plans for me in Honduras for years to come and specifically with the Worldwide Heart to Heart ministry. 

I was blessed to be 100% sponsored on my trip last year through an anonymous donor, but this year I will be raising my funds. Funds include buying my own plane ticket (which can vary and I'll be paying close attention to over the months to secure the best deal), the hotel where we will stay at in Porte Cortes, and then the rest of the funds completely go to the children and the school to the "projects" that are needed while we are there; this can include food, clothes, repairs, medical needs, school needs, etc. 

For every donor, even if only $1 is given, a child from the village will write you a personal letter thanking you for your gift and sending me there. This will be a special time for me and the kids while we are there and then a special gift to you once I get home. 

Please consider supporting me as I prepare to go back to Honduras and pray for me every day in the months to come. This was truly one of the HARDEST yet most fulfilling things I have ever had to do and had the pleasure in doing. God is alive and well in Honduras and the country needs Him more than you could possibly imagine. 

We are still getting a team together as well, if you are interested in attending this trip with me or another one at a later date free to reach out to me or visit the WWH2H website for more information.

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