Secular Coalition's 16 for '16 Challenge: Oregon

Secular Coalition's 16 for '16 Challenge: Oregon

From Secular Coalition For America

The Secular Coalition is challenging 16 state chapters to see which can sign up 16 new members by January 16, 2016. Donations will support the advocacy work of the Secular Coalition at the state and federal level.

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Membership Details

A membership with the Secular Coalition starts at a one-time gift of $25, which makes you a card-carrying member of the Secular Coalition and gets you a special members-only discount to our events. Becoming a member of the Secular Coalition for America also makes you a member of your state coalition, doubling your impact in the fight for church-state separation! More giving levels and benefits are listed on the right.

What Your Gift Supports

Your donation will support your chapter's advocacy efforts in 2016, including:

  • Tracking legislation impacting the secular community and the values they stand for

  • Lobbying state legislators through Action Alerts, letter-writing campaigns, and in-person visits in the capital

  • Testifying before lawmakers at the state capital 

  • Educating lawmakers about their nonreligious constituents and the secular issues they care about

  • Publishing letters to the editor and op-eds in local media outlets to bring the secular perspective to our issues

  • Building coalitions with allies to advocate on common ground issues

  • Mobilizing local secular groups and communities into an organized, responsive political constiuency

About the Secular Coalition for America

The Secular Coalition for America is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to amplifying the diverse and growing voice of the nontheistic community in the United States. Our 18 voting coalition member organizations are established 501(c)(3) nonprofits who serve atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers and other nontheistic Americans. 

Our mission is to increase the visibility of and respect for nontheistic viewpoints in the United States, and to protect and strengthen the secular character of our government as the best guarantee of freedom for all. 

Located in Washington, D.C., the Secular Coalition for America lobbies the U.S. Congress, White House, and federal agencies on issues of concern to our constituency. We have built strong ties with other national organizations where common ground exists on specific topics, and we are active participants in influential issue coalitions.

In addition to our federal activities, the Secular Coalition for America coordinates activities and provides resources to our state chapters, led by volunteer citizen lobbyists.

Click here to read about our 2015 accomplishments and our plans for 2016!

Questions or Problems?

Please contact Dan Green, the Secular Coalition's Development Associate, at [email protected].

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