scInternational 2018 - Antigua, Guatemala

scInternational 2018 - Antigua, Guatemala

From SC International

100% of fundraising goes to Guatemalan social entrepreneurs with proven business models focusing on issues like malnutrition, poverty, youth leadership, and connecting rural communities to global markets. Thank you!!!

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More Info

  • scInternational is an annual skills-based volunteer trip for Deloitte Senior Consultants (SCs) to work side-by-side with social impact entrepreneurs in low income countries.
  • SCs are investing personal time and money to travel to Guatemala to represent Deloitte.
  • 100% of your donation will go directly to Community Enterprise Solutions (CE Solutions), a US Not-for-Profit 501(c)(3) founded in 2004.
  • Based on project need and Deloitte recommendations at the end of the trip, CE Solutions will direct your funds to the various social entrepreneurs in Guatemala.


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