Sad And True

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It's not often that I ask for help. I'm the kind of person who prides herself on being independent, and on handling things on my own. I've always been that way, even more so since becoming a single mother. I juggle school, work, and raising my daughter, all while striving to build a better future for us. My daughter is my mini bestie, and her well-being is my most fervent prayer.

But now, I here taking the same advice I give others, no one is above help. I'm reaching out because I need financial assistance and Bank of America seems to not be getting the urgency of my situation. I've been put in a desperate situation by others who didn't care about the effect the actions would have on my daughter and myself. I need your help, your kindness, your support, and your generosity.

I am optimistic and determined to turn this situation around and punish these people while making sure I don't become Homeless. I utilize my passion for storytelling through writing and filmmaking, which is what I've been doing in Ghana. This is when I'm not at the police station or court.

The money I had meticulously saved and sent to secure a place for us in Ghana was stolen. The family friend I trusted to receive my mail in Arizona, who I had confided in and considered a close confidant, betrayed that trust and also stole from me. They contacted my bank, requested new cards, and then stole over $9,000, leaving me and my daughter stranded in a foreign country.

This setback has also impacted my creative endeavors. I'm writing a novel, and I'm working on a documentary that I look forward to sharing, to inspire and uplift, but without the necessary equipment, that progress is slow to a stop being unable to purchase the recording and publishing equipment I need.

I know the power of kindness. I've always been willing to lend a helping hand, to offer support and encouragement to those in need. Now, I find myself in a position where I desperately need that same kindness extended to my daughter and myself.

I'm not asking for a handout. Neither am I a stranger to it. I am a Liberian Civil War refugee in the United States, so I know need and depression. This is why it pains me so much that people who already my story and how far I've come, would do this to my daughter and myself. Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a world of difference. It can help us pay rent, provide food for our table, and give me the means to pursue my creative passions.I believe in the power of hope, and the resilience of the human spirit. I believe that with your help, we can overcome this adversity and back to better.Please, if you can, help us. Every dollar you donate brings us one step closer to stability.Thank you for your time, your consideration, and your generosity.

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