Rolling with Serenity Fundraiser

Rolling with Serenity Fundraiser

From Shante Graham

By sponsoring transportation for our youth girls, you are not just providing a ride; you are opening the door to a world of possibilities. Your contribution will ensure that every girl in our program has a safe, depen...

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Serenity Mentoring is dedicated to empowering youth girls by providing them with essential life skills and social skills. We offer comprehensive programs that include mentoring, educational workshops, and extracurricular activities designed to build confidence and equip these young women with the tools they need to succeed. However, the impact of our efforts is hindered by the lack of reliable transportation. Reliable transportation is more than a convenience—it's a lifeline. It ensures that our mentees can consistently attend our programs, engage with mentors, and participate in activities that broaden their horizons. It's a vital component in breaking the cycle of limited opportunities and opening doors to a world of possibilities.  By contributing to our transportation fund, you are not just donating money; you are investing in the future of these young girls.

 Your support will provide safe, dependable transportation, ensuring that every girl has the chance to participate fully in our programs. You will be directly impacting their lives, giving them the means to chase their dreams without the constant worry of how they'll get there. 

Join us in this vital mission. Help us raise funds to provide reliable transportation for our youth girls. With your support, we can ensure that no girl is left behind, that every girl has the chance to succeed, and that the journey towards their dreams is a little smoother. Together, we can drive change—one ride at a time.

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