RJ's Bike Project

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The RJ's Bike Project: As some of you know, our dear friend RJ got royally screwed last year when someone stole his new bike that he had just custom ordered, from a bike rack at USF. It took him a while to get around to buying another one, but eventually he did. He really liked it. It was a hybrid mountain/street bike worth somewhere around $400, and he used it to get around town a lot. Yesterday some asshole used a crowbar and broke into RJ's house and stole his TV's, a bunch of tools and the new bike. The deductible on his insurance is $2500 and the police don't have much hope of finding the culprits. RJ was at Courigan's tonight feeling pretty low about the whole experience. Now, just when he was getting ready to sell that house, he has to fix his door and locks before he can move. I know life is shitty sometimes but I don't feel like letting it stay that way for our friend right now. There is no way he would let any one of us help compensate him for any of it individually, even if we could afford it, but my idea is that if at least 20 of us can donate $20, we can get him a gift card and he can at least replace the bike and hopefully buy a majorly heavy duty lock for it too. I feel like it would be the thing to do. It's Christmas and I know I can certainly spare a twenty or two for a friend as excellent as RJ. Let me know if you are willing to contribute. The bad guys shouldn't win at Christmas.- Nathan Van Coops

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