Ralph Ring Paradise Loss

Ralph Ring Paradise Loss

From Aaron A

As Ralph Ring's web master, I am raising disaster funds for the fires that have devastated Ralph's Paradise, CA home and belongings. He and Marsha have been evacuated safely to a friend's home for now.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
over 5 years ago

Update #11

We are happy to report that after a lot of driving,moving from home to home and an exhaustive search, Ralph, Marsha Ring and their Service dog are settled into their forever home in Arizona.

There are still many loose ends that require tidying on a daily basis in our continued recovery. We are happy, healthier and have made many new friends. We remain busy, grateful everyday and the continued costs of medical bills, relocation and retooling in this time of need, have been greatly softened thanks to all of your support. We could not have done it without you.

We Love you ALL and we thank you from our hearts,

~ Ralph & Marsha Ring

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Aaron A posted a new update:
almost 6 years ago

Update #10

Ralph & Marsha are still very busy, intent on finding their forever home. We want to again thank all donors for helping us get Ralph & Marsha Ring back on their feet again. Every bit helps!!

Thank you

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Aaron A posted a new update:
almost 6 years ago

Update #9

Ralph & Marsha are safe and healing after the fire destruction of their Paradise, Ca property. They are actively looking for their new home. Thank you all for your support, it is much needed.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
almost 6 years ago

Update #8

Ralph & Marsha have moved out of California and into another friends home for now. They stay busy searching to own a home of their own again someday soon.

They want to thank each of you for your generous donations as they navigate this very difficult journey.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #7

We have recently extended this fund raiser for Ralph & Marsha, into February 2019.

Ralph & Marsha now have all of their few personal affects that have survived their fire in Paradise, CA. They are travelling many miles each day seeking a new home, staying at friend's houses as often as they can while they search. These travel costs can get very big.

If any current supporters would like to further help our campaign, please share our link on your websites and/or social media pages as this will create much more visibility for us.

Thank You!

~Webmaster Aaron

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #6

Dear support family,

Ralph & Marsha are now moved into another friend's home nearer to their former home in Paradise, Ca. They have found a few special items in the ashes and are ready to move on, hopefully soon, into their own home when they find one. Ralph is still not fully recovered from open heart surgery and struggles with so much activity at this time.

They want to thank each of you for bolstering them during this very difficult time, as your thoughtful donations have helped tremendously.

Thank You All!

~Ralph & Marsha

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #5

Today Ralph & Marsha have told me that they were able to find personal belongings that have 'sort of' survived the fire. That they are tying up loose ends in Paradise, CA and preparing for another possible relocation move soon. This has all been very stressful on them and Ralph is still in the recovery stages of open heart surgery.

Your funds have gone to travel, housing, technology and food. Thank you all very much for your support! Every bit helps.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #4

The Ring's are healthy and have moved to a different home of a friend, and are looking to eventually have their own home again someday soon. The last we talked, they were very close to looking through the rubble at their former home, for anything that survived the fire. Again, thank you ALL for your support during these very difficult times.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #3

Still searching for a new home, soon Ralph will be sifting through the burned rubble for any belongings that may have survived the fire.

Thank you ALL for YOUR support during these extremely difficult times.

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #2

Hello Friends,

Recently the inspector has verified to Ralph & Marsha that everything has been reduced to ash; cars, belongings and buildings. They are currently seeking permission for a relative to search through the ashes for anything at all that may have survived. Their intent for now, is to move to a new property and start over.

I have been told by Ralph & Marsha to thank ALL of you for caring and helping out during the recovery from this disaster.

"Thank you very much for your support!"
~Ralph & Marsha

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Aaron A posted a new update:
about 6 years ago

Update #1

Ralph & Marsha and their service dog have relocated to a friend's house. They now have been supplied with lots of clothing and have purchased a laptop. They are still waiting on the inspectors report on their Paradise property. Numerous neighbors and friends have reported in, as having survived the fires. Very few homes have survived.

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