Queen City Bulldog Rescue

Queen City Bulldog Rescue

From Queen City Bulldog Rescue

Queen City Bulldog Rescue (QCBR) is an organization dedicated to improving the lives and welfare of Bulldog breeds (English, Olde English, French) throughout the city of Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Update #6

almost 8 years ago

We feel the love - oh so much!

Linda M.
Zoe A.
Jill S.
Scott D.
Kassie F.
Ben E.
Abby W.

It is solely because of your generosity that Norman will be able to receive the intensive medical procedures he so desperately needs to live a comfortable, happy life. He's so excited - literally!

More Info

"I have always had a desire to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and have actively taken on this responsibility ever since I was a young girl. Growing up, while other kids were asking for the latest toys or video games, I would ask for a dog breed book, which I would then enthusiastically study for hours upon end until I knew every single page from its cover to the index. My passion for animals had always been evident but it wasn’t until my early teenage years that I began to dedicate time and energy to their welfare. With the support and blessing from my parents, I began fostering for a local rescue. Within my first year of volunteering, I had rehabilitated, cared for and successfully placed over fifty dogs into new forever homes. For as many success stories I was able to be apart of, unfortunately there were some that aside from extreme efforts, were lost. It was these medical cases that opened my eyes and allowed for my first experiences in veterinary medicine. While rescuing I was introduced to the diagnosis and treatment of a multitude of diseases and diagnoses. It was through these experiences I began to realize my love for animals went far beyond just the basics. I was fascinated, intrigued and challenged by each new medical case I experienced and was eager to learn at every presentable opportunity. After spending multiple years fostering and eventually taking on the role of volunteer coordinator, I decided to take the next step towards my career goals and work as a veterinarian assistant.

I was then employed by a full service small animal private practice. My responsibilities as an assistant included but were not limited to: assisting the veterinarian during examinations and surgeries, drawing and running laboratory tests, assisting with x-rays, filling prescriptions, as well as some administrative responsibilities. This exposure allowed me to work side by side with our veterinarian and permitted invaluable experiences that further developed my love for the veterinary medical field. It was also during this time I was first introduced to my first Bulldog and my life would be forever changed. 

I quickly realized Bulldogs were a unlike any other breed of dog I had been exposed to. These gentle, comedic and insanely high maintenance creatures were the perfect combination that enabled me to simultaneously exercise my passion for medicine and rescue work while instantaneously making my heart sing!

Fast forward a handful of years, two bulldogs, numerous surgical procedures and thousands upon thousands of dollars later, here we are today! Currently, Pediatric Registered Nursing pays my bills while Queen City Bulldog energizes my spirit and fulfills my heart and soul. 

Life would be easier without a bulldog. My bank account would be more impressive and my heart far less damaged. I've often times received question as to why I own arguably the most man made, in bred, high maintenance breed imaginable, especially due to my most sincerest passion for rescue.I never have a hallmark answer. However, I feel compelled to mother this breed because I've seen first hand what one can look like in the hands of a careless owner. I own one because even if small in number, I know that profit driven breeding will be decreased due to spay and neutering, even if only by one dog. I put my heart and soul into ensuring that at least one creature, who was born with the odds stacked against them, will have a safe, loving home with hopeful subsequent years of a comfortable life. My love for this breed is so genuine that if educated owners aren't a guarantee,  I hope to see a day where bulldogs are a breed of the past. When they are no longer bred because their suffrage and comfort mean more than our own selfish satisfaction of having their companionship. Owning a bulldog isn't easy. But I'll chose this life time and time again. Why? Because it's worth it."

-Chelsea Muenzer, President QCBR

Queen City Bulldog Rescue looks forward to welcoming many more bulldogs and bulldog lovers into our hearts and our story. We're here to rescue, rehabilitate, educate and support. Because we are currently in our infant stages, no donation is too small and we appreciate any and all support. Your donation will go towards the veterinary bills of our first rescues (and if you know Bulldogs, you know those bills aren't cheap!). 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do what we do. WELCOME TO THE QCBR FAMILY!

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #7

We feel the love - oh so much!

Linda M.
Zoe A.
Jill S.
Scott D.
Kassie F.
Ben E.
Abby W.

It is solely because of your generosity that Norman will be able to receive the intensive medical procedures he so desperately needs to live a comfortable, happy life. He's so excited - literally!

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #6

YAYAYA! We can't thank you enough for the QCBR lovin'.

Special shoutout to Spensir, Jamie, John and ALL of our T-SHIRT ORDERS! We've officially hit the over 20 tee's chart!!! Half of each shirt goes directly to the dogs - we thank you, the dogs thank you.

Because of you all we're able to bring in our first RESCUE THIS WEEK!

Check out our site to place your tee order. They're ahhhhmazing.

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #4


Linda Mattia
Skaggs Family
Kim Shepherd/Matt Wray
Katt Family
Momma Muenzer

It was another magical day here at QCBR headquarters. God love y'all!

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #4


Linda Mattia
Skaggs Family
Kim Shepherd/Matt Wray
Katt Family
Momma Muenzer

It was another magical day here at QCBR headquarters. God love y'all!

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #3

Thank you to Mark for donating via our PayPal outlet. You da best!

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Queen City Bulldog Rescue posted a new update:
almost 8 years ago

Update #2

HUGE shout out to Jamie, Mike, Kyle & Anonymous for your donations towards QCBR and bettering the life of a bully. The squad send y'all kisses!

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