Funds to lobby federal politicians in Canberra to enact laws to preserve Australian Christian Traditions
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I am deeply concerned about the erosion of our culture, traditions, and way of life. We are seeing significant alterations, caused by a small minority, which threaten the integrity of our lifestyle and shared values. Things like Christmas, carols, Australia Day and much more are under threat of extinction because politicians won't stand up for the majority, instead, cow towing to a vocal minority.
We must safeguard our traditions by showing Politician’s that we care and have laws enacted to enforce our Christian traditions, Christmas, Easter and our special day 26th January be immune to the whims of a small percentage of the community and weak councils making by laws to suit their agenda. It is our responsibility to safeguard our traditions, culture, and way of life, for the sake of future generations, for the sake of the Australia that we know and love. We must raise our voice against changes that threaten the erosion of our cultural fabric. Let us join hands in defending Australia's traditions. Every dollar donated is a step towards preserving our beloved traditions and way of life. Please donate and send this page to all of your family, friends and relatives, and colleagues and ask them to donate so we can lobby the politicians in Canberra to enact laws to preserve our Christian traditions. Stand up for Australia. Stand up for our future
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