Be BOLD in Freedom, IN

Be BOLD in Freedom, IN

From Uplands PEAK Sanctuary

PEAK is raising money for a 105-acre farm in Freedom, IN! Funds will purchase the property, transport our current residents and moveable structures, fence at least 5 acres immediately, and ready the barn!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #22

We'll be working on creating and distributing giving perks over the next several weeks too! Stay tuned.........

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #21

We've landed in Freedom! Whew after 2 days and multiple trips back and forth between Salem and Freedom, everyone is here, safe and noticeably happy! Nemo is pushing the boys around. Hank is hanging out with Sue, Lucy, and Tulip all day. Although, he doesn't lift his head much from rooting! Vegan, Zeke, and Wilson are keeping up with all the happenings around the barn. Bodhi is even hanging with other roosters. Annie is being so playful! Grace and Yuki are starting to venture outdoors a bit. Kita rolled in mud day one! EveryONE is sleeping well.
There was a delay getting all our outbuildings moved. Two more are set to be moved tomorrow. We have several trips still to bring chicken housing fixtures, hay feeders, and other miscellaneous stuff.
We are far from being settled! We are working on getting the chicken coop refurbished so the majority of the birds can move in . Right now, they are sleeping in crates in the house and roaming during the day The barn also requires more construction for hay storage and walkways. . Those are the priorities for now.
This is such a huge endeavor and at times is a just a tad overwhelming ;) . However, already seeing a change in the residences' demeanors is beyond gratifying. Thank you all for taking this next step to build an even more significant PEAK <3 When you visit, you will feel it too!
In Kinship ~ Michelle

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #20

Thank YOU all so much for making this move to Freedom possible! With the matching funds, we raised $79, 699 towards the costs of moving and the purchase of the property. We're still sharing our BOLD news and know that our support will continue to grow. Thank you for being BOLD and creating this next version of People, Earth, and Animals in Kinship <3

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #19

You all are amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It's awesome to see such enthusiastic support of our move from our faithful supporters and many new ones too!
Your support is creating a grander version of PEAK <3
We'll announce the total raised next week once we've added everything. We are so thrilled about this move and the remarkable accomplishments to come. Stay tuned for all the updates!!!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #18

Clearly, we are not going to reach our goal without a miracle. Can we get 40K instead? It's all matched so 40 = 80!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #17

1 more day to "Be Bold"! Will you help us get as much of the matching funds as possible?

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #16

The Freedom Train is moving full-speed ahead! Mark and I are working overtime to get the property ready for a move date of April 6th! We have 2 days left to raise as much $ as we can towards our move, projects, and property purchase, plus take advantage of MATCHED funds.
Thursday we headed to Freedom with a trailer full of things. We met with the Plumber, HVAC contractor, and Electrician. The Plumber discovered a leak in the main plumbing line and some additional work in the bathrooms - several thousand dollars that we had not budgeted.
In addition to preparing the barn, there are plenty of things to prepare the living spaces for people to move-in too!
After we unloaded, we headed to the venue to get ready for our Be BOLD Bloomington event, which was a wonderful evening. Friday we went back to the Freedom property to work with two volunteers, Brooke and Hailey, on stall construction --- we have ways still to go to complete them! We rushed out of there to get to a Taco Bell to send out a campaign reminder before the end of the business day. Then made the 2-hour drive back to Salem to tuck everyone in for the night.
PLEASE donate if you can to this next GIANT step for PEAK + animals. Also, Share, Share, Share!! Thank you all <3

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #15

"Be Bold" for her today! There are millions of pigs including her, suffering in Indiana, in the dark. We're working hard to bring them into the light and prompt systematic change by giving people the opportunity to connect with our residents. Be a part of our next BOLDER chapter by donating to our move to a 105-acre farm in Freedom, IN. and have your donation doubled! Only 5 more days. If you have already given, THANK YOU. Sharing is caring.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #14

Vegan wants you to know that he can't wait to MOOOve to Freedom! Will you challenge your friends to give $5 or $10 today, to help Vegan Moove to Freedom?Vegan wants the help of the whole PEAK herd on this! Our next goal is $35,500. Let's BE BOLD friends!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #13

The stalls are steadily coming along! Yesterday, Victor and Will, two volunteers from Bloomington did the hard job of digging holes for the posts, then setting them with concrete. Allison, Steve, Mark, and I put up the tracks for the walls and cut the slats. We completed one large stall and posts are all set for the 2nd large stall. We hope to finish up with 1-2 more volunteer days. Next up is deciding what is the best flooring option and having that delivered and leveled.
Please share our project and vision with others so we can meet this goal! Thank you.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #12

We would like to clarify some information and dates.
- We cannot take in any more animals. We are full and in the process of the BIGGEST transition/move of our lives.
- Our plan is to be moved by the first weekend of April including the animals. All beings will be in Freedom!
- We anticipate being open to the public sometime in July. However, our first priority is to get moved and settled.

All of this depends on many variables one of which is meeting our campaign goal, volunteering, the weather, and many things out of our control.

Thank you for your support!! We are very excited about this move and what the future holds.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #11

Here's a breakdown of our moving funds! Our next target is another $2500 by Monday. Can you help by giving today and/or sharing our campaign with others? Donations will be matched for 17 more days.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #10

The ball is rolling........ The barn is going to be fabulous! Yesterday, Mark and the Spring Breakers started building stalls. It's going to take several days. They completed 2 large stalls for around $500. We still need to hang gates. The slats can all be removed making it easy to replace boards and change-up the configuration as needed. Flexibility is crucial to rescue! Thank you to those who have given.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #9

Let's talk about the "Main" House!
It's a 3,744 sq ft colonial style 2 story home with 4 bedrooms + 4 1/2 baths. It's HUGE and the possibilities for future programs/endeavors is unlimited.
For now, we'll offer housing year-round to multiple interns at a time. We'll provide our one full-time animal caregiver the master-suite. We'll use the large library with built-in bookshelves as an office. The main living space will be our "gift" shop and educational center. The small living room can be used for "meetings". The extra bedroom will be used for "special" guests, speakers, teachers. Given the size, we can host small intimate events indoors as well. All of this allows us to do more for animals and have more funds to do so! The best part is PEAK can own it outright with just $90K more raised!! That means, no monthly payments or interest.

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #7

10 students of Vanderbilt Alternative Spring Break arrived this Sunday! It's our 4th year hosting this program at PEAK. Today, the students said they chose to come to PEAK because we ranked so high as an educational experience from past participants. Everyone commits to eating vegan for the entire week of the trip. This is such a powerful week of service, education, and connection. From past groups, many students go vegan and stay vegan as a result of their experience with us. Besides rescuing animals, THIS is why we do what we do!
PS. They are helping pack up and starting to work on the Freedom property!!!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #8

10 students of Vanderbilt Alternative Spring Break arrived this Sunday! It's our 4th year hosting this program at PEAK. Today, the students said they chose to come to PEAK because we ranked so high as an educational experience from past participants. Everyone commits to eating vegan for the entire week of the trip. This is such a powerful week of service, education, and connection. From past groups, many students go vegan and stay vegan as a result of their experience with us. Besides rescuing animals, THIS is why we do what we do!
PS. They are helping pack up and starting to work on the Freedom property!!!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #6

Freedom Fleet! ONLY $93K to go - You can help by sharing and/or starting your own fundraising page, found to the right and down halfway.
Achieving this goal means we will own the 105-acre farm in Freedom, IN outright that means no monthly lease payments and future funds can be focused on animal care and rescue!
The potential to continue to expand our programs and advocacy are tremendous. >>Let's create this next grander version of People, Earth, and Animals, in Kinship together!<<

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #5

Yay! You all are awesome! We have just surpassed the 2nd target of $14K for the campaign! We can fence 10 acres of pasture to start, thanks to everyone who has given so far! This will allow our residents to move when we're ready! Plus, we can start building stalls for goats and cows in the barn!
Happy National Pig Day!

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #4

With a little break in the rain, fencing for the first 5 acres is moving right along! We ONLY need $630 to get us to our next target of $14K - which will cover the cost of another 5 acres of fencing and build stalls for our residents!!
>All Donations are Matched up to $113K<

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Uplands PEAK Sanctuary posted a new update:
almost 7 years ago

Update #3

We've nearly reached $9500! Our next milestone target is 14,000. This will cover the cost of fencing 10 acres + allow us to start working on the barn! We CANNOT move our current residents without the completion of both!
Please share with your networks to help us get there soon!
**Donations are DOUBLED** Be Bold!
#BeBOLD #FreedomIN #Freedommeanssavingmorelives

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Daniel Barber commented with a $20 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Almost no one at this rant
Jacqueline Schuh commented with a $500 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Excited for your move!! Closer to Indy = two thumbs up!
Anne Mitchell and Chuck Shuman commented with a $100 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Polly Eardley commented with a $50 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Good luck!
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Jeremy & Nisha Hess commented with a $100 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Thank you for all you do for the animals :)
Courtney Egg commented with a $50 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Linda F. Brown commented with a $50 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Thanks to Allison Hess for letting me know about this opportunity to have my donation matched. Good luck with the move!
Adam Johns commented with a $150 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Love, Misty & Adam Johns
N. Cloud commented with a $50 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Tomorrow is N.'s 4th birthday, and she emptied her "share" bank to send to the animals at PEAK!
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary commented:
almost 7 years ago
Carol, Thank you for making another donation to our campaign!! <3
Carol Saunders commented with a $250 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Knowing only Good for everyone in Freedom!
Melody Russell commented with a $100 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Thank you. If you build it, they will come!!!
Cindy Batchelor commented with a $25 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Thank you so much for all you do for helping the animals! Much love!!!! xoxo
Anne Rich commented with a $25 donation:
almost 7 years ago
In honor of my vegan niece, Adrian Rowan!
Jan Matthews commented with a $75 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Good luck! You are amazing!!!!
MARY VARBLE commented with a $25 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Sorry, it is not more. Maybe later.
Luanne Poindexter commented with a $3 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Wish all the best for your new life in Freedom. Bon appetit
Chris Shapard commented with a $15 donation:
almost 7 years ago
You all are amazing, best of luck with the move!! Can't wait to visit when it's all done :)
Addison & Kelly Cramer commented with a $500 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Grateful for all the BOLD things you do for the animals! <3

/ #beBOLDinFreedomIN