A friendly bet on SB 51 between Rabbis Ken Carr (New England) and Peter Berg (Atlanta) and their communities. 2/3 of the money raised will go to a charity in the winning team's region; 1/3 to a charity in the other area.
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Randall Yarlas commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoJennifer Faber commented with a $18 donation:
about 8 years agoNaomi Orkin commented with a $35 donation:
about 8 years agoDenny MArcus commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoHoward WisemaN commented with a $100 donation:
about 8 years agoAnonymous commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoJoan Dokson commented:
about 8 years agoJoan And Robbie Dokson commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoJoe Emerson commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoMarcia & Bob Hicks commented with a $108 donation:
about 8 years agoEdlein Family commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoElaine Lavine commented with a $18 donation:
about 8 years agoJoan Carr commented with a $18 donation:
about 8 years agoBerg, Petet commented with a $108 donation:
about 8 years agoJanet Lavine commented with a $54 donation:
about 8 years agoLewis Levine commented with a $36 donation:
about 8 years agoLily Krentzman commented with a $18 donation:
about 8 years agoKenneth Carr commented with a $100 donation:
about 8 years agoDonors
Liz And Aaron Bornstein
Marcia & Bob Hicks
Adam Gaslowitz
Berg, Petet
Howard WisemaN
Kenneth Carr
Janet Lavine
Ruth Keddem
Cindy Lourie