Operation Africa Achim

Operation Africa Achim

From Ahavat Ammi

Ahavat Ammi Ministries is focused and committed in assisting Africa in a great Messianic end-times revival by releasing resources, building house of studies and a publishing house that will serve the continent of Africa.

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Ahavat Ammi posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #1

6/9 : The work of the Shona Translation and Arabic translation was kicked off!

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Donald R Inglis commented with a $70 donation:
over 1 year ago
We would love to go to Zimbabwe for Opening of The Messianic Synagog! Psalms 67 All the Nations to Praise You Adonai!!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $40 donation:
almost 2 years ago
Chag Hanukkah Sameach Africa!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $50 donation:
about 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom chaverim in Africa!!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $40 donation:
about 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom to Africa!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $40 donation:
about 2 years ago
Chag Sameach Africa!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $50 donation:
about 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom chaverim in Africa!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $50 donation:
about 2 years ago
L'Shana Tova Africa!!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $50 donation:
about 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom to Africa from the UK!!
Carla Coetzee commented with a $100 donation:
over 2 years ago
Synagogue Gutu
Anonymous commented with a $1,084 donation:
over 2 years ago
For Synagogue
Sharon Hogeda commented with a $180 donation:
over 2 years ago
Building the hiway for Mashiach to Yerushalayim, to reconcile Rebbe Melech Yeshua with His Jewish brethren, family, and homeland Israel!!
Jorge A Garcia commented with a $1,084 donation:
over 2 years ago
Synagogue fund
Anonymous commented with a $201 donation:
over 2 years ago
May a remnant rise up out of Africa!
KEILA MACROW commented with a $40 donation:
over 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom!!
Sharon Hogeda commented with a $180 donation:
over 2 years ago
With love to Beth Shuvu in Harari…to Sharon from Sharon
KEILA MACROW commented with a $40 donation:
over 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom to all the brothers and Africa!
Anonymous commented with a $240 donation:
over 2 years ago
Shalom Africa!
Helen Jo commented with a $199 donation:
over 2 years ago
Shabbat Shalom. May we be satiated and refreshed. Baruch HaShem!
Sandra Dumont commented with a $36 donation:
over 2 years ago
For the light and life of Africa!
Anonymous commented with a $57 donation:
over 2 years ago
Love you family!