Nick's 31st Birthday Wish

Nick's 31st Birthday Wish

From Nick Knapp

I currently volunteer each week tutoring homeless children with Chicago HOPES for Kids. My BDay wish is that you will donate $31 (or anything)! 100% raised will be donated. Sorry about the fee :( Pulling this on 6/25!

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Update #4

about 8 years ago

We are here, today is the last day to show me how much you love me with money, or how much you believe in this cause :)

More Info

I discovered Chicago Hopes for Kids at the beginning of this year and have volunteered each week tutoring children from first, to forth grade. We cover everything from reading to math and science while also trying to focus on enrichment activities centered around teaching them how to deal with bullies etc. Giving these kids a positive environment to work on their homework and be encouraged has been a lot of fun. 

There are over 20,000 homeless children in the Chicago public school system, over 10% of them without a family. 

Now, I am asking that my friends and family who planned on giving me a birthday gift, redirect those funds to this site and donate $31 (for 31 years!) to this great non-profit organization. Every dime will be turned over to help purchase supplies, food, or even help expand the program to additional homeless shelters! If you are not able to donate, please take the time to visit the site anyways, and tell someone about it :)

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Nick Knapp posted a new update:
about 8 years ago

Update #4

We are here, today is the last day to show me how much you love me with money, or how much you believe in this cause :)

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Nick Knapp posted a new update:
about 8 years ago

Update #3

This is great guys! Over half of the goal met on the first day!

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Nick Knapp posted a new update:
about 8 years ago

Update #2

I apologize for the site being light on content right now. I am working on getting additional permissions in order to add some better content, stay tuned!

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Nick Knapp posted a new update:
about 8 years ago

Update #1

10% baby! Let's keep this going!

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