The Compassion Project

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This friend of mine is one of the most caring people I know.  She deals with many medical issues that don't allow her to work.  So when she told me of her uncertainty and stress about getting her social security check to pay her monthly expenses, I figured something needed to be done.  Luckily, after many tears and much frustration, it got sorted out. However, she is still dealing with a large amount medical debt due to her health issues.  While she does have insurance, it hasn't paid for everything.  So in this month when everyone is giving gifts to loved ones.  I would love to give this gift to her.  I have this set to end on Hanukah so that she could receive the gift then.  If you could help me help this one person with their medical debt, I would give me so joy, and give her so much relief.  Thank you so much in advance!

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