Completion of the first rigorous scientific study of Neurofeedback to treat children with histories of trauma, abuse and neglect. Conducted at The Trauma Center@Justice Resource Institute, Inc.
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Today is a very important day. Your generosity has allowed us to reach our goal and move forward on the first randomized control neurofeedback trial for traumatized children. In my book, The Body Keeps The Score, I have documented how early childhood neglect and trauma is the largest public health problem in the US.
While a handful of people are aware of the unique capacities of neurofeedback to change the life course of traumatized children, without solid scientific evidence to substantiate case histories and anecdotes, it is likely that the vast majority of these children will never live up to their full potential.
This is just the beginning! I hope I can count on your continued commitment to this enterprise.
Thank you so much for your help.
Bessel van der Kolk MD
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Moved beyond words. Thank you for supporting this campaign. I am so heartened by people's generous support and commitment to help us define new treatments for traumatized kids. My gratitude knows no bounds.
- Bessel
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We really appreciate enormously the donations and support.
We have submitted our first paper, and are about to submit our second neurofeedback research paper. These two papers demonstrate with very careful scientific methodology the tremendous capacity of neurofeedback to improve affect regulation and executive functioning in treatment resistant adults with long histories of trauma. These papers are based on the previous research study that receded the current child neurofeedback study that is made possible by your contributions. WE will post those two papers on our website as soon as they are accepted for publication by the peer reviewed journals.
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Dear Friends,
It has been a very busy summer. since the Trauma Conference, in May, we have passed the half way mark on this campaign! Thank you for your help and support thus far. We will be sending out books, pdf's, and audio files for donors soon. Please share this site with your friends and colleagues.
Exciting news about the study so far will be forthcoming in the next update. Until then,
Thank you,
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We've reached 25% of our Goal! And now we are busy getting ready for the 26th Annual International Trauma Conference. So excited to present the Neurofeedback Research 2015 campaign there. Looking forward to seeing many of you there. Thank you for your support!
May 27 – 30, 2015
Seaport World Trade Center
Boston, Massachusetts
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For the official launch at the 2015 Trauma Conference in Boston:
Please watch and share our updated video where Dr. Bessel van der Kolk talks about trauma and the promise of neurofeedback as treatment.
Thank you again for your support.
Thanks to BALLUM FILMS & Avalon Hills for making this possible.
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