Georgia Tech-Let's Help Nepal

Georgia Tech-Let's Help Nepal

From Aiswaria Nair

Dear Fellow Yellow Jackets, This Finals Week, amidst those painstaking #OneLastTime semester efforts, let's take some time to Help Nepal. :) Without wax. An equally stressed out Fellow Graduate student

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The recent earthquake in Nepal was a blinding catastrophe, more so a subtle move by nature which humbled the whole of humanity, tucking us back into our place. 

The way it stands today : Nature- 1. Us- 0. 

Queer are the ways of nature and equally terrifying is the loss of control or the feeling that one such random occurrence can obliterate an entire civilization altogether. 

The disaster claimed thousands of lives, rampaged an entire country, and robbed individuals of a basic sense of security. The event in itself transcends the realms of civility and society. 

We may continue to think, talk, pray and tweet. 

But you know what could make a difference ?

Probably, one less coffee. 

Or one less elaborate meal today.No extra fries and coke with the burger.

No, don't make it a combo today at lunch--instead, shell out those extra dollars to provide an individual a one time meal.

Yes, you could do with one less Venti Caramel Flan Latte this finals week. Those $4.75 could be put to a noble use.

Who better than us to know that every iota of effort counts! 

Without wax.

Fellow Yellow Jacket

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