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Chris Klich commented with a $40 donation:
over 9 years ago
Kayleb could be our son, who is also on the spectrum. We're praying for the judge to understand the unique circumstances of Kayleb's case.
Morénike Onaiwu commented:
over 9 years ago
THANK YOU everyone! We have met our goal. SO grateful. Pls feel free to stop giving now; we have exactly what we need! :) #JusticeForKayleb
Margot Johnson commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
Keep the faith!
Yuri Estrada commented with a $25 donation:
over 9 years ago
There are no grounds to this prosecution. Its completely unmerited.
Annette Padilla commented with a $25 donation:
over 9 years ago
Good luck , peace and positivity. Stay strong Kayleb!
Anonymous commented with a $15 donation:
over 9 years ago
Good luck These abusive police and district attorneys must be stopped
Anonymous commented with a $25 donation:
over 9 years ago
Thank you
Christian N. Carnevale commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
These are not reasonable charges given the nature of his handicap and his age! Consult Nancy Carnevale MD, Developmental Pediatrician.
Cynthia Wassenich commented:
over 9 years ago
Talk about unfair!! What the hell? The child is autistic, like ours! Quick, this officer needs some lessons on ASD/DDs (Autism/Dev Dis)!!!!!
Morgan Buchanan commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
The injustice on him is enraging! He does NOT belong in prison! Autism is NOT a crime!
Kathleen Hurley commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
An 11 year old boy does not belong in jail under any circumstances. Certainly not an 11 year old boy with a disability.
Anonymous commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
No 11 year old should be charged with a crime, and certainly not an autistic child.
Andrew Blake commented:
over 9 years ago
A felony charge is ridiculous. You'd think the officer would be a little more understanding... he could probably restrain him with 1 arm.
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation:
over 9 years ago
Kayleb needs compassion not prison ! These charges are outrageous !
Niessence Ferrell commented with a $10 donation:
over 9 years ago
Praying for yall
Anonymous commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
Much love. All the best.
Renee Martin commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
I hope all things go well.
Anonymous commented with a $35 donation:
over 9 years ago
Praying for Justice.
Kevin Chaput commented with a $20 donation:
over 9 years ago
Hang in there, Kayleb. The American People stand behind you.