Join the Legacy Estates Journey

Join the Legacy Estates Journey

From Tracey Samone Clark

We are transforming 8.84 acres of woodland into Legacy Estates—a sanctuary for holistic wellness, community connection, and environmental stewardship. Join us in making this dream a reality!

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More Info

My name is Tracey Samone, and together with my two amazing sons, AJ and Zai, we have embarked on a heartfelt journey to create a sanctuary where people can reconnect with nature, themselves, and their communities. Recently, we made a dream come true by purchasing property on nearly 9 acres of beautiful woodland. We purchased this land to build a legacy of health, wellness, and environmental stewardship. We are committed to creating a space where people can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, immerse themselves in nature, and rediscover the joy of simple, meaningful connections.  

AJ is eagerly looking forward to tending chickens at Legacy Estates. His love for animals and curiosity about sustainable farming practices make him the perfect caretaker for our future flock. AJ's enthusiasm and gentle nature ensure our chickens will thrive under his care.

Zai is excited about the prospect of tending goats. His strong sense of responsibility and dedication make him well-suited for this role. Zai's keen interest in animal husbandry and sustainable farming practices will help us create a thriving, regenerative farm.

We invite you to join us on this journey to establish Legacy Estates. Whether you become a Champion of our vision, a Friend of the Forest, or simply a visitor, your support and involvement are invaluable. Together, we can create a sanctuary that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit and leaves a lasting legacy for future generations.

Thank you for being part of our story.

Warm regards,

Tracey Samone, AJ, and Zai

Click here to learn more!

How does my support help?

Planning & Preparation: Your generous support enables us to secure the expertise needed to meticulously plan and prepare for the success of Legacy Estates. With your investment, we'll enlist the services of a skilled surveyor to determine legal property lines, ensuring clarity and compliance in all our endeavors. Additionally, we'll engage a regenerative farming expert to guide us in implementing edible and ecological landscaping practices, fostering sustainability and biodiversity across the property. Moreover, your contribution will allow us to seek the guidance of seasoned financial and legal experts, helping us develop a strategic roadmap for long-term success and sustainability. 

Restoration & Repair: With your help, we will embark on a transformative journey to prepare the land for regenerative farming. This includes repairing damages caused by falling trees, removing trees posing further risk, and nurturing the soil for sustainable growth. Additionally, we'll revitalize essential water sources, ensuring the well and pond are in optimal condition to sustain our ecosystem. Your support will also restore the property's integrity by addressing structural issues, such as repairing the roof, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all who visit Legacy Estates. 

Equipment & Machinery: Your support empowers us to acquire the essential equipment and machinery needed to transform the land at Legacy Estates. With your investment, we'll secure machinery to clear and level the ground, prepare fields for regenerative farming, and lift and haul heavy materials. By investing in the right tools, you're not just supporting land development—you're paving the way for a sustainable and vibrant future at Legacy Estates.

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