Join My 2nd Annual $10,000 Donation to Becky's Fund: End Domestic Abuse

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Join My 2nd Annual $10,000 Donation to Becky's Fund: End Domestic Abuse

From Tiffany Houser

Becky’s Fund strives to address domestic violence in all sectors of our community. Our $10,000 gift goes directly to implement a 'Men of Code' Program in a local high school in the beginning of 2019.

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Tiffany Houser posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #2

Thank you so much! We have reached the $10K Pledge!!!

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Tiffany Houser posted a new update:
about 7 years ago

Update #1

Have ever wondered where you money goes when you donate to charity? Here is the exact breakdown of our $10,000 gift:

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