My Good People! I am entering an exciting stage in my career! I am showcasing my original compositions in a handful of shows throughout the USA. This fundraiser is intended to offset touring costs (transportation, etc)
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I am officially ending my campaign on my birthday, October 8TH! I thank you all for the support you have given me. May the heavens open up and shower you with blessings!
There's still time to be part!
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Detroit was good to me. Now, I'm putting together shows for the fall! Where should I go next!?
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Next Up:
September 17th
Cliff Bells
Join me and support my music movement.
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Back to NYC in a few days!!!
Join my Journey....
I'm so grateful for you all who have supported me!
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I thank you all for the support thus far! Let us keep it going.
I'll be headed to Brooklyn for a performance at ShapeShifter Lab on August 18th.
Support the Journey..
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Only a few more days left for my Intrepid tour campaign! If you haven't checked it out, please do and make a contribution if you can. Every dollar is beneficial in helping me reach my goal.
My next show date is in Brooklyn at the ShapeShifter Lab, August 18th. The show will be video streamed. Details soon
Your support is needed and appreciated!
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You have been good to me!
I'm back to Arizona for a few weeks to conjure up some new material, then I'm headed to Brooklyns ShapeShifterLab!
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NYC has been good to me, and so have all of you! Much love for the support. Every cent has gone towards necessary expesnses for the tour (very expensive) ! :)
I extend my gratitude to you all!!
Please donate if you haven't yet!
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Here's a pic I took prior to my show last night in NYC.
I thank you all for the support. It's helped me get to where I am. I give you my gratitude. There's still a goal to be reached, and there is still a little time! Join this journey today!
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From NYC,
Thanks to you, I've reached 20% of my goal! Gratitude to you all .
For those of you who haven't donated, there's till time!!
I'm accepting PayPal and QuickPay donations also. Contact me for details
[email protected]
Hurry hurry :)
Peace and love
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Detroit date confirmed!
I'll be playing at Cliff Bells on September 17th.
Detroit, Michigan
Stay tuned for more updates.
Donate. Donate..and Support!!!
#cliffbells jazz
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My good people! I am excited for this musical journey that I am embarking on. I have been dedicating ample amounts of practice time into perfecting and cultivating my musical voice. Every time I sit at the piano, it is as if I am opening a new realm of creative possibilities!
I ask you to join me on this journey. Any donation will be greatly appreciated and used towards my Intrepid project.
Upcoming show date:
July 3rd, Metropolitan Room, NYC
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Sep 29
Sep 25
Aug 31
Aug 23
Aug 15
Aug 13
Aug 05
Jul 28
Jul 17
Jul 07
Jul 04
Jul 01
Jun 23
Jun 18
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