Help Veterans get gear to fight for Ukraine

Help Veterans get gear to fight for Ukraine

From Brian Bentley

An American who has served in the paratroopers brigade of the Israeli military is in Ukraine advising Ukrainian marines and needs equipment.

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I am an American who has served in the Israeli Paratroopers brigade. I have recently visited Ukraine to evacuate around 70 Jews and and witness the absolute devastation cause b the Russian regime with my own eyes. I have met a 21 year-old whose entire family has been killed by rocket attacks, spoke with Ukrainian intelligence who notified us that Syrian terrorists were being imported by Russia into Ukraine to kill civilians and destabilize the region, and even protected a refugee center while it was being targeted by Russian artillery. I have decided to travel to Ukraine and volunteer with their military until the conflict is over. I am asking for at least $20,000 help us but ballistic helmets, night vision goggles, body armor, medical supplies, and other essential equipment. This will be my second time to Ukraine during the war so I am serious about what we are getting into. Most importantly, if the conflict ends before we raise enough money, then all of the proceeds will go directly towards refugee resettlement. Slava Ukraina!

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