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Jose Acosta, Director of Voices on the Border was robbed of his computer. We have only one staff in country and need your help ASAP to replace it. This was Jose’s only working computer which was used for administrative, programming, financials, etc.  

Please help us replace this work laptop. It was a 2011 Macbook Air 13”, but as you can see this fundraiser is for an updated version of the laptop. 

Amazon does not ship to El Salvador but the MacStore in El Salvador sells a Macbook Air 13” for $1,100 with full Apple guarantee.


Technology these days goes hand in hand with productivity and every day without we loose precious productivity time which is why we hope to raise the required funds to purchase the equipment this upcoming week of Sept 25,2017.

All Donations will go to the purchase of the new laptop, charger and extended warranty.

We appreciate your consideration and solidarity.

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