Help Us Move across the Country

Help Us Move across the Country

From Harry Swanson & Tran Tran

Tran will be placed at a new residential site for her PhD internship. We will be moving several states away from NC within a month of returning to the US after the wedding. Our bank account will not be pleased with us.

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**If you are attending the wedding in VN, please don't feel compelled to get us any sort of present or contribution. We understand that it's a costly trip & your presence on our special day is the best present we could ever ask for**

Moving can be pricey--especially if you are potentially travelling 12+ hours by car. Immediately after getting back to the USA, we will be using the money raised here to rent a UHAUL and hire movers to help get ourselves settled in a new city: either Camden, NJ; Detroit, MI; or Charleston, WV. We will know the exact location by the end of February, once she is matched with an internship site in which to work. 

Anything you could contribute is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to celebrating the special day with you all! <3

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