We are raising money to fix up the house we found so we can move my mother back here from Florida. We recently lost my father and really want our mom to be close to us.We want her out of the hurricanes and storms. We ...
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We want to thank those who donated and we will keep you up-to-date with all progress. There is one more day left to donate and we could definitely use mor donations as we need to get together enough money to make this happen. Thank you and God Bless
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I will be posting pictures of the progress of the house.
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Thank you Dawn Bean. Words can not express how much we appreciate your donation towards our goal to get my mom back home. Thank you so very much. Xoxoxox
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We want her out of the hurricanes and storms. We want her safe and by our side. We love her and because we lost my dad it is now crucial that we get her back home. I LOVE YOU DAD. REST IN PEACE MY ANGEL!
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We want her out of the hurricanes and storms. We want her safe and by our side. We love her and because we lost my dad it is now crucial that we get her back home. I LOVE YOU DAD. REST IN PEACE MY ANGEL!
Please Help us raise a little money to fix up the house we found so we can have her back home!
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Thank you! Much love to everyone
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Oct 01
Sep 25
Sep 22
Sep 22
Sep 22
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