Help Me Heal: Support My Nursing School Journey

Help Me Heal: Support My Nursing School Journey

From Ashley S

Help me finish nursing school! I'm a dedicated student, mother of 3, caregiver for my spouse on dialysis, and elderly uncle with heart failure. Working part-time isn't enough. Your donation will change my life. Thank you

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Empower a Future Nurse: Your Support Can Make a Difference!

Hey, I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea for support as I navigate my final year of nursing school. Despite my determination and hard work, I have exhausted all my financial aid options and now face the possibility of having to put my dream on hold.

I am not only a dedicated nursing student but also a mother of three wonderful children. In addition to my studies, I care for my spouse, who is on dialysis, and my elderly uncle, who is battling heart failure. Balancing these responsibilities is challenging, but my passion for nursing and helping others keeps me going.

Currently, I work part-time at an urgent care center and for a nonprofit organization. These roles, while fulfilling, do not provide enough income to cover my tuition and expenses for this crucial final year.

Reaching this point in my education has been a journey filled with perseverance and resilience. I have worked tirelessly to maintain my grades and manage my responsibilities at home and work. It would be devastating to have to stop now when I am so close to achieving my goal.

Your generous donation will not only help me complete my education but also enable me to continue serving my family and community. Any amount you can contribute will make a significant impact on my journey. Thank you for considering my request and for your support.

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