Help us go to the NCC in Philadelphia!

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Help us go to the NCC in Philadelphia!

From Dylan Ravdin

Every year, LoMA's Junior class has gone to Philadelphia for a US History trip to the National Constitution Center. Budget cuts have meant that we need to fundraise so that the class of 2019 will also have a chance to go

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Dylan Ravdin posted a new update:
over 6 years ago

Update #1

Thank you everyone for your support of our trip to Philadelphia! We received a donation this morning that put us over the top, so we are Philly-Bound! Without your tireless support, this would have been the first class that was unable to go, and it was so wonderful to see such an outpouring of support. We love you all and are so grateful to have you in our extended LoMA family!
We are so incredibly thankful to all of you!

LoMA Team Humanities
and the LoMA class of 2019

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Ken Emker commented with a $25 donation:
over 6 years ago
Have Fun.
Michael Sarcona commented with a $100 donation:
over 6 years ago
To: Jankyle Enriquez we wish you and your classmates the best in your trip. Love, uncle Michael and Tia Libni
Vicky Rios commented with a $20 donation:
over 6 years ago
to help support my niece Santana Rios.
Alberto Rios commented with a $80 donation:
over 6 years ago
More friends that contributed, Rich Bundy, Tom Nunziata, Vinnie Arcardi. We wish the Junior Class the best of luck of for the future.
Alberto Rios commented with a $80 donation:
over 6 years ago
Friends that contributed Niere Hester, Oscar Moreira, Tom Brown, Jim Gregory, Kevin Keane, Gobin Carlos Rios.
Nikki Weavers commented with a $50 donation:
over 6 years ago
I heart kids!
Gina Santonas commented with a $35 donation:
over 6 years ago
have a great time!
Holly Wolf commented with a $36 donation:
over 6 years ago
Milena Jimenez commented with a $35 donation:
over 6 years ago
Have fun!!!!