Help For Necessary Surgery

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I am not one to usually ask for help but right now we are in a financial situation that we have no way around. My husband is an amazing and hardworking man who drives a semi for work and is away from our family 90% of the time.

On his last weekend home he got injured working in our yard. He tore his bicep tendon while cutting down some trees and the doctor determined he has a complete bicep tendon tear that requires surgery. He is in a lot of pain because he is still working and needs to use his injured arm while driving. The doctor said he will need surgery to reattach the tendon otherwise he will eventually lose strength in that arm. He is refusing to get surgery because we cannot afford for him to be off of work while he recovers. Also not having surgery soon could cost him his career in the future. His work doesn’t offer any type of short term or long term disability insurance either. We cannot purchase short term disability insurance either because this is now considered a preexisting condition unfortunately. Any help would be extremely appreciated!

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