George Chamberlin Offshore Drilling Repair

Candace McCarthy posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #2

Great News? George's sister Nicol, has been able to assist with $40k so the new goal is only $20k for this week. We appreciate all the support we have received from generous friends. Please consider helping in this effort. If you need more information contact Candace at 661-824-1672. We are also participating in loans with a 10% interest on your money.

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Candace McCarthy posted a new update:
almost 9 years ago

Update #1

Working on initial funds...Leg is a bit better, less pain. Still with crutches.

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Candace McCarthy commented:
almost 9 years ago
We only need 2 bags of Poly piling concrete to finish this job....please help if you can. Thank you in advance.
Candace McCarthy commented:
almost 9 years ago
Update: We are at $30k needed. So thanks to all of you donors(loans with interest). We are almost there. Please help in anyway you can.
Candace McCarthy commented:
almost 9 years ago
Updates: we are needing $40k now as we have received $20k in a loan ($1k interest), so consider that option for 30-60 days. Keep praying!
Candace McCarthy commented:
almost 9 years ago
With almost $200k additional expenses we are short a little ($60k) to finish this 1yr project.