Geneus-Hill Rest Registry

Geneus-Hill Rest Registry

From Christine Geneus-Hill

Support Christine & Jeremiah Reconnect on a Well-Deserved Rest in Jamaica! We're search of renewal & reconnection. Contributions will help us unwind, recharge, & return home with renewed energy and vitality!

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Update #1

28 days ago

We're Christine and Jeremiah, and we're reaching out to you with hopeful hearts and a simple request.

After years of serving others while also supporting our Daughter Peace we are excited to celebrate a milestone in our relationship 10 years. And we're in need of a moment to pause, recharge, and reconnect - both with each other and with ourselves.

Since moving to the west coast away from our beloved family and friends, our lives have been a whirlwind of activity and responsibility. We've joyfully embraced our roles as parents and community advocates, but amidst the hustle and bustle, we've realized something vital has been missing: time for just the two of us.

It's been over nine years since we've had the opportunity to take a vacation, let alone a staycation together without our daughter. The longing for some one-on-one time has been ever-present, but with no family or friends nearby to lend a helping hand, finding moments of solitude has proven to be a challenge.

We would love to return to Jamaica this October - a chance for us to unwind, rekindle our connection, and return home with renewed energy and vitality.

But we can't do it alone. Any and all contributions made to our rest registry will not only help us reach our goal but will also play a vital role in restoring balance and harmony to our lives.

This rest away from home is about rekindling the flame of our relationship, something they haven't been able to prioritize in their busy lives. Also bout soothing our weary souls, calming our nervous systems, and allowing ourselves the space to dream and create anew.

With your support, we'll return from our retreat ready to be better partners, parents, and advocates for our community. Our gifts will be enhanced, our spirits rejuvenated, and our capacity to serve amplified.

Thank you for considering supporting our journey towards rest and renewal. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to our goal and one step closer to a brighter, more vibrant future for us all.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Christine, Jeremiah, and Peace

More Info

We're Christine and Jeremiah, and we're reaching out to you with hopeful hearts and a simple request.

After years of serving others while also supporting our Daughter Peace we are excited to celebrate a milestone in our relationship 10 years. And we're in need of a moment to pause, recharge, and reconnect - both with each other and with ourselves.

Watch our Wedding Video Here! 

Since moving to the west coast away from our beloved family and friends, our lives have been a whirlwind of activity and responsibility. We've joyfully embraced our roles as parents and community advocates, but amidst the hustle and bustle, we've realized something vital has been missing: time for just the two of us.

It's been over nine years since we've had the opportunity to take a vacation, let alone a staycation together without our daughter. The longing for some one-on-one time has been ever-present, but with no family or friends nearby to lend a helping hand, finding moments of solitude has proven to be a challenge.

We would love to return to Jamaica this October - a chance for us to unwind, rekindle our connection, and return home with renewed energy and vitality.

But we can't do it alone.  Any and all contributions made to our rest registry will not only help us reach our goal but will also play a vital role in restoring balance and harmony to our lives.

This rest away from home is about rekindling the flame of our relationship, something they haven't been able to prioritize in their busy lives. Also bout soothing our weary souls, calming our nervous systems, and allowing ourselves the space to dream and create anew.

With your support, we'll return from our retreat ready to be better partners, parents, and advocates for our community. Our gifts will be enhanced, our spirits rejuvenated, and our capacity to serve amplified.

Thank you for considering supporting our journey towards rest and renewal. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to our goal and one step closer to a brighter, more vibrant future for us all.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Christine, Jeremiah, and Peace

Peace and love

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Christine Geneus-Hill posted a new update:
28 days ago

Update #2

We're Christine and Jeremiah, and we're reaching out to you with hopeful hearts and a simple request.

After years of serving others while also supporting our Daughter Peace we are excited to celebrate a milestone in our relationship 10 years. And we're in need of a moment to pause, recharge, and reconnect - both with each other and with ourselves.

Since moving to the west coast away from our beloved family and friends, our lives have been a whirlwind of activity and responsibility. We've joyfully embraced our roles as parents and community advocates, but amidst the hustle and bustle, we've realized something vital has been missing: time for just the two of us.

It's been over nine years since we've had the opportunity to take a vacation, let alone a staycation together without our daughter. The longing for some one-on-one time has been ever-present, but with no family or friends nearby to lend a helping hand, finding moments of solitude has proven to be a challenge.

We would love to return to Jamaica this October - a chance for us to unwind, rekindle our connection, and return home with renewed energy and vitality.

But we can't do it alone. Any and all contributions made to our rest registry will not only help us reach our goal but will also play a vital role in restoring balance and harmony to our lives.

This rest away from home is about rekindling the flame of our relationship, something they haven't been able to prioritize in their busy lives. Also bout soothing our weary souls, calming our nervous systems, and allowing ourselves the space to dream and create anew.

With your support, we'll return from our retreat ready to be better partners, parents, and advocates for our community. Our gifts will be enhanced, our spirits rejuvenated, and our capacity to serve amplified.

Thank you for considering supporting our journey towards rest and renewal. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to our goal and one step closer to a brighter, more vibrant future for us all.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Christine, Jeremiah, and Peace

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