Fund Raising for Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind

Fund Raising for Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind

From Sowmi J

We are a team passionate about helping visually challenged kids in India. We plan to support their education and life through Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for the Blind for this Thanksgiving 2015

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Update #4

about 9 years ago


Thank you for all your support. We did it!

First of all wish you all a very happy holidays. As planned we (Gautam Ramdas, Pradeep Kannan and I) visited SRMAB (Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind) on December 17, 2016 at JP Nagar, Bangalore. It was a moving and an unforgettable experience. We spent almost 3 hours at the Academy met Dhinakaran and his team who are working tirelessly to help visually challenged kids. We were given a small tour of the facility which included a hands-on training workshop, computer facility, Ramana Dwani - a radio station and student facilities. We met a number of students and interacted with them, heard their dreams and ambitions. It opened up our inner eyes and motivated us to continue to play a small part in assisting people to realize their dreams. Its an experience money cannot buy and I want to thank you all for making this happen. We should be proud of this achievement and I am confident that as a team we will achieve much bigger things in the coming days.

Attached is a photo where Gautam and Pradeep presented Rs. 186000 (Rs 1.86 lacs) to SRMAB. As we wrap up this successful campaign and an eventful 2015 year, I wish you all a wonderful New Year 2016. Wish you all a tremendous success, excellent health and pure happiness. Enjoy your holidays and look forward to our next campaign in 2016.

Thank you,

More Info


Dear Friends,

This holiday season 2015 we are committed to raise funds to help visually challenged kids in India. Our charity organization for this year is Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind (SRMAB). We started yesterday and we have made tremendous progress. Thank you for all your support


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Sowmi J posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #4


Thank you for all your support. We did it!

First of all wish you all a very happy holidays. As planned we (Gautam Ramdas, Pradeep Kannan and I) visited SRMAB (Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind) on December 17, 2016 at JP Nagar, Bangalore. It was a moving and an unforgettable experience. We spent almost 3 hours at the Academy met Dhinakaran and his team who are working tirelessly to help visually challenged kids. We were given a small tour of the facility which included a hands-on training workshop, computer facility, Ramana Dwani - a radio station and student facilities. We met a number of students and interacted with them, heard their dreams and ambitions. It opened up our inner eyes and motivated us to continue to play a small part in assisting people to realize their dreams. Its an experience money cannot buy and I want to thank you all for making this happen. We should be proud of this achievement and I am confident that as a team we will achieve much bigger things in the coming days.

Attached is a photo where Gautam and Pradeep presented Rs. 186000 (Rs 1.86 lacs) to SRMAB. As we wrap up this successful campaign and an eventful 2015 year, I wish you all a wonderful New Year 2016. Wish you all a tremendous success, excellent health and pure happiness. Enjoy your holidays and look forward to our next campaign in 2016.

Thank you,

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Sowmi J posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #3

Thank you very much for all your generous contributions. We are very close to reaching $2500 mark. This would not have been possible without your support and well wishes.

I am visiting India over the next 3 weeks for both business and personal reasons. I will take that opportunity to visit SRMAB on Dec 10th in Bangalore along with Pradeep Kannan and Gautam Ramdas. We plan to meet the kids and offer our contribution in the form a check. Also please share any ideas you may have in terms of what we can do when we are there at Asharm. Please look forward to updates from my side on our visit.

I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving holidays. I think we had done well for 2015 holidays. Look forward to doing something similar for 2016 holidays. Truly blessed to be a part of team which believes in doing good and living well.

Thank you once again. God bless.

Best regards,
Sowmi J

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Sowmi J posted a new update:
about 9 years ago

Update #2

Thank you for all your contributions and support. Today we crossed $2000 milestone in our donations to Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind.

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Sowmi J posted a new update:
over 9 years ago

Update #1

This holiday season, as a team we are committed to raise funds to help visually challenged kids in India through Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for Blind (SRMAB). We started yesterday and we have made tremendous progress. I want to share a poem that changed my life. Its a long one but worth reading. One line in the below poem defined me, hopefully you will find one as well: " To know that even one life has breathed Easier because you have lived". Enjoy the poem and lets make a difference this holiday season 2015. Hopefully we have started a tradition which we can continue every year wherever we are.

To Laugh often and love much;
To win respect of intelligent persons
and the affection of children;
To earn the approval of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give of one’s self without the
Slightest thought of return;
To have accomplished a task, whether
a healthy child, a rescued soul, a
garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with
Enthusiasms and sung with exaltation;
To know that even one life has breathed
Easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.
- Anonymous

Thank you,

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