I work at one of the highest needs schools in the Austin area and we are creating the first Mindfulness room in our district. The room is in it's infancy and we have run out of funds. Please help bring peace to kids!
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**Update! Wow! In less than 24 hours we came so close to our goal. The momentum, shares, and likes for this cause is so amazing to witness! Let's keep the love coming and make this mindfulness space something Austin can be proud of!**
I work in a low income school in the Austin area and we are working hard to bring the mindfulness practice to our children. There is countless research that people who practice mindfulness regularly are much less likely to engage in violent or aggressive behavior. We are also creating the first ever Mindfulness classroom in the Austin school district for students or classes to use as a part of their school day.
Instead of sending children to the office for "punishment" (which is obviously an antiquated approach and completely ineffective!), we will have children use the Mindfulness classroom to practice calming techniques instead. It will also be used to teach mindfulness tools and be a space for classes or children to use if they need a break.
The classroom is in its infancy and we have run out of money! We would like to have a class set of yoga mats, meditation pillows and Mexican yoga blankets as well as curtains and another rug for the room. The possibilities are endless and we would love to make the first Mindfulness classroom in our district a model classroom for other schools to replicate. Please help contribute whatever you can so we can get this up and running ASAP! :) Namasté y'all <3
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