FemTech Focus is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded to empower, equip, and bring together healthcare professionals, life-science entrepreneurs, and forward-thinking investors to revolutionize womxn’s health and w...
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Julia Varshavsky commented with a $500 donation:
about 4 years agoCris Degani Cantoni commented with a $11 donation:
about 4 years agoJulie Hakim commented with a $1,084 donation:
about 4 years agoLyndsey Harper commented with a $108 donation:
about 4 years agoErin Connelly commented with a $20 donation:
about 4 years agoAnil Shetty commented with a $54 donation:
about 4 years agoKaren Wells commented with a $20 donation:
about 4 years agoJonathan Chavez commented with a $20 donation:
about 4 years agoJake O’Shea commented with a $25 donation:
about 4 years agoDonors
Julie Hakim
Julia Varshavsky
F K Bashi
Lyndsey Harper
Bin Huang
Eric Mora