Every Cat Deserves A Chance

Every Cat Deserves A Chance

From Erica Scranton

The Cat Network believes there is someone for all of our cats. For some, it takes a bit more time to find their match. Your support helps ensure our cats are happy and healthy while waiting for their forever home.

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Update #6

over 4 years ago

Thank you so much to everyone who donated! We ended up raising $4,654 ($654 over goal)! Your donations will help ensure all of our cats are happy and healthy while waiting for their forever home.

More Info

The Cat Network

The Cat Network is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), no-kill and life-enhancing cat rescue group. Since 1991, we have rescued and placed thousands of abandoned, abused, stray, and shelter cats and kittens in St. Louis, MO and surrounding areas. Cats and kittens are kept in foster care and then placed in loving, permanent homes. In some instances, a cat may end up staying with us for years due to various circumstances.

Because of COVID19 many of our fundraisers have been cancelled; we need your support because every cat deserves a chance! Your gifts help our cats stay happy and healthy - please see some stories below explaining how your contributions will be used. 

All Donated Funds Will Go Toward:

Surgery for injuries or ailments, medical care, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, testing for feline leukemia and FIV, microchipping, deworming, flea treatment, and prescription food. 


When we got Pirate, we took him to a veterinary ophthalmologist and found out he had entropion. Basically, his lower eyelids rolled in on themselves and rubbed against his eyes, constantly irritating them and causing squinting, redness, and discharge. Pirate required eye surgery to fix this condition and alleviate his discomfort, and just look at the difference! Your donations help us pay for needed surgeries. 

Pirate doesn't even have to think about wearing an eye patch anymore.

Stewie was adopted from the Cat Network and was returned to us when he was 16 years old. We noticed that he was losing weight and drinking a lot of water, so we took him to the vet and found out he was diabetic. He is currently 20 years old and is on insulin and prescription food. Your donations will go toward his daily insulin and prescription food for diabetes.

Stewie is still going strong and we think he may be immortal. 

Lombardo is an 18 year cat whose owner passed away (the owner had adopted him as a kitten from The Cat Network and Lombardo will now be with us in his golden years). Your donations will go toward his daily fluids and prescription food for kidney disease.

Lombardo enjoys bugging his foster mom to turn on the faucet at JUST the right flow so he can drink out of it.

Cortez and Chance are current fosters. They are both healthy 3 year old brothers who have been with us for a few years (it is sometimes difficult to adopt out 2 cats together). Your donations will help pay for their annual vaccinations. 

They both enjoy doing yoga, especially cat-cow pose.

Toby, a previous foster, loved to cuddle with the resident queen of house, Miranda. When we got "Big" Toby, he needed to be put on a diet. Your donations help us pay for prescription diet food so our husky cats can be ready for bikini season. 

Toby was adopted as a veterinary clinic cat and continues to slim down. He is now a celebrity and is featured on the vet's clinic Facebook page every "Weigh-In Wednesday" with status on his progress.

Charlie and Jack met at the shelter and it was "buddy love" at first sight! Charlie is a 10 year old cat and needed medicine for his sinuses. His buddy Jack is 2 years old and healthy, but both needed to be microchipped.  Your donations pay for needed medication and microchipping. 

We were hoping to adopt them together and we did! They enjoy play fighting with each other and are not too cool to hold paws.

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #6

Thank you so much to everyone who donated! We ended up raising $4,654 ($654 over goal)! Your donations will help ensure all of our cats are happy and healthy while waiting for their forever home.

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #5

We have 7 days left and are almost at goal! We currently have $3,700 raised out of $4,000!

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #4

Another story to show where your donations go:
Violet, our black-and-white baby, and her 4 siblings were rescued from Saint James Missouri. They ended up with a slight upper respiratory infection and were treated. All of the siblings recovered without any issue except Violet. She ended up with an issue with her right eye. She went to the vet several times and was on medication, but the eye never cleared up. Sadly, her eye ruptured and she needed emergency surgery to completely remove the eye and the infection.
After surgery, she was reunited with 2 of her siblings and immediately fell to playing and running around and then napping all in a pile. She always played at least some, but she was always a bit more reserved than the others. Seeing her behavior now, makes us wonder if perhaps the eye was never quite right and gradually just got worse. She is eating and seems to be a very happy and cuddly girl!
Your donations help cats like Violet get the emergency surgeries they need.

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #3

We are halfway through our donation drive and are at 62% of goal! Thank you everyone!

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #2

As a part of the donation drive, Airedale Antics will be holding a $5 nail trim event on Sunday July 26th from 1pm-5pm.

Dogs, cats, ferrets, guinea pigs and rabbits are welcome.

All proceeds will go to The Cat Network. I hope to see you there!

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Erica Scranton posted a new update:
over 4 years ago

Update #1

We had a fantastic first day for our donation drive! Your generosity helped raise over $1,500 on our campaign Every Cat Deserves A Chance - let's keep it going!

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