Eagle Project for Wild Wonders

Eagle Project for Wild Wonders

From Deleted User

I am doing my Eagle Scout project for Wild Wonders Animal Rescue. They need me to replace a goat fence and install feeder boxes. I need $700 for materials and supplies.

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over 10 years ago

Thanks for your support, I'm glad to say I have 40% of my total goal. Please share this link and tell your family and friends.

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Rescuing Wild Wonders Animal Rescue

My name is Caleb Mousley, I am 13 years old, I am a second degree black belt, I have been doing piano for eight years, and I am a Life Scout ready to begin my Eagle Project for Wild Wonders Animal Rescue and Education. Wild Wonders is a non-profit organization that is a rescue shelter for animals. They will go to schools and teach the kids about the animals or you can go and visit them for a tour. For more information go to their website at, www.wildwondersedu.com. I am needing to raise about $700 for materials for the wood and goat fencing, and any other supplies. I am so fired up to get this done, but I can't without the donations. The picture you see is Sarah Jacobsen, the Wild Wonders Animal Specialist. She needs the feeder boxes because the treats she feeds the animals are in little containers and some animals can get to them. She also needs the goat fence, because the goats ram the fence, bend it in, then get their horns stuck. So after reading all this I hope you will think about giving a donation. All donations are accepted. If you have some 2x4, 6 gauge mesh fencing, or anything else that might be helpful, please contact me @ 801-717-0292 or email me @ [email protected]. Thank you SO much for your help.

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over 10 years ago

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Thanks for your support, I'm glad to say I have 40% of my total goal. Please share this link and tell your family and friends.

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