dreams and wishs

dreams and wishs

From Canzady White

I'm raising money to help support my dreams of becoming a actress helping with bills and travel expenses make up artists and vacation to travel the world.its been a dream since I was a little girl.

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since I was a little girl I wanted to be a actress and work with my favorite actors. i am going to snhu for screen writing and film,I have been doing everything I can to have my dreams come true but having trouble due to funds,needing to travel ,hotel, additions ,food ,makeup artist ,bills. i am low income and barely make enough to pay my bills like rent w/s/t electric as it is. i am also in debt and would like to get a house one day but I don't know how that would be possible considering how expensive everything is.i will appreciate and be grateful for any help I get in making all my dreams come true. Thank you.

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