Couch Potato Gala - A Stay-At-Home Event!

Couch Potato Gala - A Stay-At-Home Event!

6/27/2020, 6:00PM
Your House, Savannah GA 31401

From Richard Reeve

A non-event that celebrates the work of both Neighborhood Improvement Association and Consumer Credit Counseling Service as agencies that create Homeownership in Savannah, Georgia

Richard Reeve



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Event Details


Your House, Savannah GA 31401

Date & Time

Saturday, June 27 2020

6:00 PM

More Info

Let Them Work!

Instead of our non-profit employees taking time away from the everyday services that they provide by coordinating a fancy gala, we are asking that you support the important missions of both CCCS and NIA by simply relaxing in the comfort of your own home for the evening! 


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