Beta and Chi Omega are raising money to help update the technology center at North Side Community School. The funds will be used to replace the desktop computers with laptops.
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North Side Community School is a Pre-K through 5th grade public charter school serving low-income, predominantly African-American students in north St. Louis City. The school opened in 2009 with just 52 students and has grown to nearly 400 students this school year. North Side focuses on core subjects - math, language arts, and science. Also taught is social studies, art, music and physical education.
Educational technology expands learning opportunities for students. Teachers also find it easier to track and assess student progress with the help of technology. Incorporating technology into the education of students has proven effective in raising achievement levels of low-income students like North Side's, especially when used to individualize their instructional programs.
That's why updating the technology center is key. Funds raised will replace the 15 older desk top computers with 25 laptops. This update will allow for classroom and technology integration through team teaching for the 3-5 grade students. It will also give the students an appreciation and understanding of the value of building and sharing ideas as a team. The technology center provides an opportunity for group work, testing and special projects.
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