Help us raise enough money to promote non-violence and peace across our country by putting an 'ALL LIVES MATTER' billboard in New York City.
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Due to the string of recent killings and racial tension that is happening across the country, a group of us decided we want to do something that will raise awareness and promote non-violence here in our own country.
Our goal is to raise enough money to place a billboard in the vicinity of New York City and raise awareness in the country that "ALL LIVES MATTER" and let the world know that there is enough of us out there that is taking a stand against violence.
Paul Farmer said it best when he said that "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."
No matter if you are white, black, brown, purple, orange or any other color we will not solve any issues with violence and the taking of each others lives. It's when we start to look at one another as one human to another will we only begin to advance as a society.
If you support this cause and want to help raise awareness please donate anything you can. We want to be able to put a billboard up in New York City and if we exceed that limit we hope to put more billboards up in St. Louis, Los Angeles and many others.
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