To fight Hunger in the Chicago Area
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2400 Dowie Memorial Dr, Zion IL 60099
Saturday, October 3 2015
12:00 PM
Event Agenda - 12pm - Registration12:45pm-
1:00 PM - 5K race begins 1:05 PM - 5 K walk begins1:30 PM - Lunch is served 2:00 PM -Winners announced Registration -
Food - All proceeds will go towards campaign
Fun -
MKA USA is partnering with Boys & Girls Club of Lake County and Humanity First USA to fight hunger in the area. Your generous donations will go a long way in helping those in need.
Boys & Girls Club of Lake County
In the 2011-2013 time frame, over 1.4 million New Yorkers - including nearly one in four of the city's children - lived in households that lacked sufficient food.
Without proper nutrition or enough food, children do not develop to their full potential and adults are not as productive as they could be. The cost to government and society is far greater than what it would take to assure three healthy meals a day.
Hunger is an issue in our neighboorhoods, cities and state. Lets join hands and help those who are in need.Lets all work together to build a stronger and healthier communities by helping those who are in need.
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